
Agentur am Fischmarkt

Deichstr. 21

2nd Floor

20459 Hamburg


owner: Arne Zingel


fon:  040.89 000 89-0

fax:  040.89 000 89-34


Steuernr.: 5452110611

USt.-Id.: DE158715985








1. Content of online offers


The website owner takes no responsibility for the validity, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. The website owner is not liable for material or immaterial damage stemming from the utilization or non-utilization of provided information, or from the utilization of inaccurate or incomplete information, unless the site owner's negligence or deliberateness can be proven by law. All offers are without engagement and non-committal. The website owner reserves the right to change, add to, or delete parts of the site or certain offers, or to abandon the publication for a certain period of time or indefinitely.


2. References and links


For direct or indirect links to foreign sites that are outside the realm of the site owner's responsibility, the owner would still be liable, if the owner has knowledge of any illegal content and if it would be technically possible and reasonable for them to avert utilization of those contents. The website owner expressly denies there being identifiable illegal content at the time of creating said links. The website owner has no influence on current and future design, content or the authorship of linked sites. Therefore the owner explicitly distances themselves from all content of all linked sites changed after the time of linking. This declaration applies to all links and references within the own site content, as well as to foreign entries in company lists, guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists arranged by the site owner. The opinions expressed in linked sites may be, but are not necessarily, our opinion, even if they satisfy law and regulations and are in no way questionable (????). For illegal, erroneous, or incomplete content and especially for damage that stems from utilization or non-utilization of provided information, the owner of the linked site is solely liable, not the person who links to the respective publication.

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The website owner aspires to adhere to using own or license free graphics, audio documents, video sequences and copy. All brand labels and trademarks, including those that may be protected by third parties, that are mentioned within the internet offer are, without restrictions, subject to the effective trademark and the copyright of the registered owners. The conclusion cannot be drawn that, simply by being named, brand labels would not be protected by rights of third parties. The copyright of objects created and published by the website owner lies solely with the website owner of those sites. The reproduction or usage of such graphics, audio documents, video sequences, and texts in other digital or or printed publications without explicit consent by the website owner is not permitted.


4. Data protection


If, within the internet presence, there is an option to enter personal or business data (for example, email addresses, names, postal addresses), this provision of data is on an explicitly voluntary basis. Insofar as it is technically possible, legal and reasonable, it is also permitted to use and pay for all offered services without entering such data, or by entering anonymous pseudonymous data. For further details, see the use of online contact.


5. Validity of disclaimer


This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the internet offer this text has been linked to. In the case that parts or certain wordings of this text do not, or do not fully, correspond to the effective legal position, the remaining parts of this document stay intact in their content and validity.

Ferienwohnung Hamburg
Apartments & Guestrooms in Hamburg
Phone: +49 40-8900089-0